Managing Stress with Food

We all experience stress at some point in our lives. Whether it’s physical or mental it’s important to take care of yourself by eating well. Your stomach and your brain work together, and when you are stressed, it can really throw off this important cycle.  How your gut is working can change the neurotransmitters that […]


January 15, 2021

Citrus fruit cut and squeezed on a white background

How to Grocery Shop during a Pandemic

When I walked through my local grocery store a month ago it literally felt like a zombie movie. There was no pasta, no bread, and hardly any meat. Lots of shelves were nearly empty and that was pretty scary—the idea that my family might become food insecure is something I’ve never had to worry about […]


April 23, 2020

We’re-All-Just-Doing-Our-Best Pasta

I am so tired of cooking.  I normally prepare most of the meals for my family, but since the option of going out to eat has been removed it feels a thousand times more exhausting to feed Tony and myself… and I’m only making food for him once a day! I also feel the need […]


April 16, 2020

Man from Ancel Keys's Minnesota Starvation Experiment licking his plate

Minnesota Starvation Experiment

Today I want to tell you, my precious sweet potatoes, about the Minnesota Starvation Experiment. The experiment was held at Minnesota State University in 1945. Men were asked to volunteer so that Ancel Keys, a physiologist who did research on how food changes the body, and his colleagues could learn how to best re-feed people […]


April 9, 2020

Gabe’s Story

“At my heaviest I was 315 pounds and I felt trapped.”  This is from an interview I did with Gabe, a friend who has not only lost 135 pounds, but has kept it off for three years. I haven’t personally experienced large weight changes, so I was really thankful to Gabe for very patiently explaining […]


March 19, 2020

Jen Lyman stands in a well-lit kitchen reaching for a muffin

Is Sugar a Drug?

Have you ever had a meal that just doesn’t live up to your expectations? It seems like it should be amazing and the description sounds really satisfying and then it’s just…not. That’s how I feel about cake. It’s beautiful and everyone else seems to really like it, but it just always falls short of my […]


March 7, 2020

Fat: the body’s savings account

I was watching a video the other day of a guy in the tropics digging an underground home and swimming pool into the rainforest floor. He was working really hard—carrying water, shoveling dirt, and installing beams—it was clear he was very functionally strong and had great endurance. And then I noticed he had a little […]


March 5, 2020

Jen Lyman, registered dietitian at New Leaf Nutrition, wearing a cozy sweater, sitting on a couch

All I want for Christmas is You (to not go on a diet)

In 2015 I developed anxiety and panic attacks. I’d never had them before, so I had no idea that my amygdala was working overtime and my hippocampus was snoozing on the job, I just felt like I was dying. My anxiety presents itself by making my throat feel like it’s closing and that food was […]


December 19, 2019