Summer Vacations and Your Health Goals

Summer is just beginning, though with the taste of hotter days we have had it feels like July already. Summer means time for vacations, whether that is across the ocean, across the country, or across the state. Wherever you are on your health journey, these situations can toss a wrench into your routine. Ideally, you […]


May 29, 2024

May = Mediterranean Diet Month

The Mediterranean Diet is worthy of being recognized and celebrated as it is one of the more well-researched and highly recommended eating patterns for its many benefits related to disease prevention and healthy aging. Some benefits include lowering the risk for cardiovascular disease and events (mainly heart attacks and strokes), lowering the risk for cancer, […]


May 2, 2024

Carbohydrates are Essential to a Healthy Diet!

Carbohydrates (or carbs) can sometimes have a bad reputation among people trying to lose weight or manage diabetes. Our body relies on carbs to function properly. They are the body’s preferred source of energy, plus they provide key nutrients, like fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Without them, people can experience low energy, fatigue, and brain fogginess […]


April 3, 2024

Gut Health & Chronic Disease

Welcome back to another blog post in our gut health series! This one is going to a be bit science heavy, but bear with me, the knowledge you will gain and can apply to your own health is worth the read.  “Researchers have been able to see a connection between diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, […]


March 25, 2024

Importance of Mindfulness for Health

What is mindfulness, exactly? Mindfulness can be defined as the ability to be fully aware and present in the current moment, and to not become easily overwhelmed by what is going on around us. Everyone has the ability to be mindful, and with practice, it can become a healthy coping mechanism when things are stressful. […]


January 9, 2023

Breakfast foods and latte

Making Weight Loss Easy with Breakfast

You may have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but why? Breakfast can help with so many aspects of improving your day. Eating breakfast can replenish your body energy stores, boost energy, and even aid in weight loss. It may just become your secret weapon to lose weight.  Weight Loss […]


November 16, 2022

Happy, Healthy Fourth of July!

The fourth of July is quickly approaching, and Americans are getting ready for annual barbecues, picknicks, parades, and pool parties! It feels as though every holiday revolves around food! Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great way to celebrate with our family and friends. And you’re allowed to splurge without derailing your health goals. Check […]


June 28, 2022

Peas, tomatoes, and swiss chard on a wooden table

Picking a Probiotic

If you’ve been to the vitamin and supplement section of your local store at some point within the last few years, you’ve probably seen various products called probiotics. Maybe you know of someone who has taken them, or you may have even taken them yourself. Probiotics are an often misunderstood product. Like everything else, there […]


February 15, 2022

Bag of crunchy roasted peas and a bag of bada bean bada boom beans are held by dietitians Alex Harris and Jen Lyman

Eating well while traveling

One question I get asked all the time is “what should I do about food while I’m traveling in the car?” Let’s face it, you either love road trips or absolutely hate them – no in between. Especially when you’re driving in the Midwest. There’s only so much corn and soy I can look at […]


February 3, 2022

Woman wearing a sweater holding a mug

Good sleep can help with weight loss

“I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” A saying we use too often when trying to keep up with the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. Whether it is work deadlines, studying for an exam, or trying to maintain the busy family schedule, a good night’s sleep can easily be overlooked without thinking of the consequences […]


January 12, 2022