In 2015 I developed anxiety and panic attacks. I’d never had them before, so I had no idea that my amygdala was working overtime and my hippocampus was snoozing on the job, I just felt like I was dying. My anxiety presents itself by making my throat feel like it’s closing and that food was […]
If the past year has taught me anything it’s that Eyebrows need to be filled in with an actual eyebrow pencil, eyeliner doesn’t cut it, and It is extremely difficult to convince a person they need carbohydrates Since it took me this long to tackle A (it’s pitiful, I know, the woman at Sephora got […]
Make sure to check out my post called “Smoothie Guide” to know how and when to use these drinks. Plus, that link will also give info on how much of all of these ingredients to use depending on your goals! Pre-Cardio chocolate protein powder, blueberries, blackberries, almond milk, and chia seeds unflavored protein powder, mango, […]
Ever since I was pretty little my family has had a tradition of going apple picking in the late summer. It’s grown up some since I was a kid (we go to a brewery for lunch instead of a fast food place where kids get free ice cream), but the day always ends the same—making […]